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Bossy Pants

Now that the weather is officially mucky, being neither here nor there, but just unbearably humid, the pools have opened up again and swimming season has started.

My playdate moms and I went to the LRC (Ladies' Recreation Club) with our kids in tow, all geared up for a good swimming session. They've got a cute kids' pool right by the playground which is really good because the kids can splash around, and then go have a swing at the playground when they feel like it (makes for very wet slides though).

There's a rain bath erected above the pool simulating a rain shower so the kids can go under and have a giggle fest. And there're plenty of water toys that the kids can play with. 

My son was particularly interested in playing with a Lightning McQueen car which he kept dropping to the bottom of the pool. He kept trying to retrieve it but couldn't do it without having his head go under the water. I told him, just close your eyes and go under and reach for the car. The next thing I know, he's instructing, or rather, ordering, his friend Dominic: "Dominic, get me the car! Just close your eyes and get the car!"

Later, he saw some toys that got trapped in the vent on the side of the pool and wanted to get them. He tried a couple of times and couldn't do it, and promptly yelled for Dominic: "Dominic, over here, get me the toys!" and stood by the side watching Dominic reach (unsuccessfully) for the toys. 

I had a good laugh watching the boys in action and Dominic dutifully following my son's commands. Good thing his mom found it funny too.

Reader Comments (1)

Oooh I think we know where he got that streak from!

May 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKwan

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